Hello, my name is “eveartsz”. Welcome to character creator plus, a business endeavor within the world of EVE online. This is where I will post my work, and where you will find information about how to request my services, where you can see what the end product looks like and then decide if you want to take me up on my offer. So what is this product, I hear you ask. Well, it’s a digital painting of EVE online character. If you want to immortalize your EVE character portrait, this is the place to do it. Here is how this thing works: I get ISK, you get a digital painting of your EVE online character. Via this blog, you can also comment on my work, ask questions and enjoy a glimpse of what other EVE players’s ISK has bought them.

Due to popular request, I now also offer any kind of digital painting, as long as it's related to eve online. You want me to draw your favorite ship in a dramatic setting? No problem. You want me to draw your character as he/she makes a daring escape from an enemy station while shooting laser guns at a bunch of robots? Perfect. Check out the "how to" section to find out how to order.
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